Burkina Faso


Malgré notre âge avancé, notre analphabètes et la barrière linguistique, nous connaissons maintenant les différents éléments constitutifs des équipements solaires.
Mme. Youl Yeri Sali
Stagiaire de Barefoot College, India
Country Programme Snapshot

1994 Start Year

287 Number of GEF Projects

US$ 9,883,325 GEF Grant Amount

US$ 2,035,663 Co-Financing in Cash

US$ 4,096,940 Co-Financing in Kind

US$ 290,196 Non-GEF Grant Amount

10 Number of Non-GEF Projects

297 Total Number of Projects

Country Portfolio by Area of Work

Capacity Development
Chemicals and Waste
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change
Land Degradation
Multifocal area
Source: Quality assured data from SGP's annual monitoring process, 2024


Mr. Noel Compaore
National Coordinator
Phone:+ (226) 79 00 62 62
Mr. Armel Badolo
Programme Assistant
01 B.P. 575 Ouagadougou 01,Ouagadougou
Phone:+ (226)79006262